I am so excited to be able to offer these 8 Value Sorters!
They are the same high quality sorters that Judy Carter is famous for using. After being in several classes with Judy, I have come to depend on these sorters for all my hooking projects! They are invaluable to keep the values I love to hook with sorted and ready for use. They allow you to “pallet” any wool stash. They easily hold an entire set of my 8 Value Swatches or more! I keep most of my worms on them and store them together in plastic totes. That way, whenever I need just a certain shade or value of any color, I can open up the box and pull just the worm I need! Once you use these sorters, you will never return to pulling worms from a pile again!
They are made of a high quality vinyl plastic and will last for years. Thank you Judy for allowing me to sell these sorters! They are available to purchase singly for $4.00 or by the dozen for $42.00!
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